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Terms of Service
Before starting a commission, we need to make sure we are on the same page so there’s no misunderstandings or understatements, so please take some time to read through those terms.
This Terms of Service relates to agreement between me, the Artist, and you, the Client, for work services performed on a project known as the Artwork. If not said otherways, Client will only use the Artwork for personal use and will not resell, edit, claim to be an autor, use for commercial purposes, train AI or distribute the material for anything other than personal use.By commissioning, you, the Client, confirm you are at least 18 or above years old and agree to all the terms of service as listed above and below.The date for agreement is upon me accepting the request of a commission and the first transaction made.I, the Artist, have the right to refuse requests according to my discernment and capabilities. Some content what I will not be comfortable creating are:
- fully mech/robotic,
- copying/mimicking other art styles,
- sexualised underage/loli,
- excessively violent/gore,
- hyperrealism,
- detailed and complicated backgrounds.I, the Artist, warrant that the Artwork will be my original work performed to the best of my abilities, and my artstyle is subject to minor changes as I improve and develop as an artist. I warrant I do not copy or heavily reference any materials or art I do not own (except for existing character design accuracy) while producing the Artwork. I have the right to use, in some cases, existing commercial licensed or commercial free assets such as brushes, symbols or fonts. Materials and design directions such as mood boards, examples and references, will be used as inspiration and not adapted fully in the Artwork.If not said otherwise, the Artwork will have the following parameters and features:
- (for portraits) size between B4 (4299x3035 pixels) and 4000 square with 300 dpi, depending on commission type,
- PNG file and RGB color model,
- my signature (in some cases expanded by “designed by [my signature]”).I, the Artist, if not said otherwise, will post work in progress and finished (with watermark) commission on my social media.
Time and Process
Commissioning process will be done through platform for safety of me, the Artist, and you, the Client. Process of accepted by me commissioning is as follows:
Request > setting payment and accepting > payment (full or splitted, more info below) > draft sketch as WIP > approval or change request > further work > optional another WIP sharing > finishing and sending the Artwork to the Client.Time needed for completion of the Artwork depends on commission type, complexity and workload of other commissions. In the commission menu mentioned delivery time is a safe suggestion that in most cases will not be overruned, but we’re humans and things happen, so there’s a possibility that I could need more time. In most cases I’d try to deliver the Artwork as fast as possible, even within first week.Clients may be charged with rush fee if the request involves a specific and short time of delivery. Patrons of 2nd and 3rd tier membership available on my Patreon have a priority in commissioning queue and no rush fee.Additional charge may be required in case of further revisions and changes after refining sketch (my lineart) due to impact on the progress and timeline of the project.The Artwork will be delivered on or, in some cases, via Google Drive or DropBox.
Communication will take place throughout the entire commission timeline with updates and bouncing ideas. I will ask for feedback when I have something to show or too many ideas from my side. I will let you know if anything will cause delays or priority shifts in the project. For safety I’d prefer to stay on artistree, but in some cases I could stream WIP on my discord server or other platforms.Clients agree to provide all required references, informations and assets in the beginning of commissioning process, before draft sketch. Otherwise it can affect the timeline and price. All materials sent by Client have to be in good quality and safe to use.Clients agree to remain respectful and agree that communication during the commissioning process will remain professional and not digress from business discussion for the, at least, majority of the project.
Rights, Usage & Credits
- Artist RightsI retain original copyright and ownership of the Artwork, which includes commission advertising, displaying the Artwork in my social media, websites and portfolios. I have rights to repurpose unused process work for future projects, personal or otherwise.Art process will likely be recorded and posted or streamed on my social media, discord, Twitch or YouTube. Client can request otherwise. A NDA or confidential commission status may be subject to extra fee.If not asked otherwise, commissioned artwork will be signed by me. In some cases, after designing a character or big part of commissioned work by myself, my signature will be expanded by “designed by [my signature]”.- Client RightsClients are granted exclusive rights for personal use of the Artwork produced as agreed upon, which must not be transferred to any other parties. Personal use prohibits distribution and sale.In case of me designing Client’s original character, design itself may be reference for future commissions of other artists, but cannot be used as brand in case of non-commercial commission.Clients may not at any time modify, edit or change the Artwork without permission from the Artist.Clients may not claim the Artwork as their own or anyone else’s and therefore must credit me as the Artist using my social media tag (all social media links below).- Commercial RightsUnless specified in the request or otherwise discussed and agreed upon, commercial licenses and reselling rights are not included.
Commercial means usage on streams, broadcast content, using it as promotion and advertisement of any kind, or any monetized work (including but not exclusive to merchandise, monetized videos, etc.) and reselling right means selling the Artwork to another party or another platform or on any platform.Any Artwork done or made available to the Client must not be used for AI (Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, AI/ML Training, NFT, blockchain or any for profit platforms or purposes). Such usage is completely prohibited and may result in legal action taken.Commercial licenses require additional charges depending on income of the company or unit and time of the Artwork’s usage.- Business ClientsFor businesses, agencies, organizations, managements and groups, please contact me to arrange in more detail.
Payment, Cancellation & Refunds
- PaymentIn case of commissions under $100, full upfront payment is required.For commissions over $100, Client has the choice of paying in full upfront or splitting the payment in two: first part upfront and second after accepting WIP. Unfortunately every payment splitting involves additional fee.Payment sent to me in another, previously not established way or before accepting the project by me, the Artist, will be recognized as a donation without the possibility of a refund. Also payments higher than those set by me at the beginning of the work, if not increased during the progress of the project and not officially agreed upon, will be considered a tip without the possibility of a refund. This is a safety precaution in case of scammers.When invoice or payment request is sent, Client agrees to pay within 48 hours unless circumstances are communicated otherwise in advance, or the project/waitlist
position may be canceled.Prices (in USD currency) in the commission menu relate to a wide range of drawing one character from easy design with full and clear references/mood board from the client to detailed design with my big influence on design. Base price might change depending on the amount of characters, details, additional items, limbs, background, quality of references and/or description from the Client and my input on design.By engaging on any project, once Artwork has started or transactions have been made through or any payment service provider, the Client acknowledges the product and deliverables are digital and there is no physically shipped goods to receive. Chargebacks are not permitted and the refund policy as mentioned will be followed.There’s a possibility to buy printed copies of finished commission in my online shop.- Cancelation & RefundIf Clients request cancellation before work starts, 10-25% of the payment may be forfeit. Once work begins, refunds are not possible unless initiated by the Artist.For any unforeseen reason I cannot complete the Artwork or commissioning process is significantly delayed, I will take initiative to inform you and provide a partial refund if Artwork done up to this point was accepted.
Warunki świadczenia usług
(trwa tłumaczenie, w razie niejasności proszę skontaktować się drogą mailową na
Zależy mi na tym, by wszystko było jasne i bez domówień, dlatego więc proszę Cię o dokładne przeczytanie poniższych warunków przed rozpoczęciem zlecenia.
Poniższe warunki świadczenia usług dotyczą zgody pomiędzy mną, Artystą oraz Tobą, Klientem, dotyczącej zlecenia, którego efektem końcowym jest portret/design postaci lub ilustracja. Jeśli nie uzgodniono inaczej, Klient ma prawo użytkować efektów mojej pracy wyłącznie w celach prywatnych, nie-komercyjnych i nie ma prawa do użycia pracy w celu szkolenia AI lub dalszej dystrybucji.Przez zlecenie Klient potwierdza swoją pełnoletność oraz zgadza się na owe warunki świadczenia usług.Za datę rozpoczęcia zlecenia uznaje się datę zaakceptowania zlecenia przez Artystę i/lub pierwszą transakcję pieniężną.Ja, Artysta, mam pełne prawo by odmówić zaakceptowania i wykonania zlecenia bez podania przyczyny. Przykładowe rzeczy wykraczające poza moje możliwości i/lub strefę komfortu, których nie zaakceptuję, to:
- mecha/roboty,
- naśladowanie stylów innych artystów,
- seksualizacja nieletnich/loli,
- nadmierna brutalność/gore,
- hiperrealizm,
- skomplikowane tła pełne detali.Gwarantuję, że wykonana przeze mnie praca będzie oryginalna, na miarę moich możliwości, bez użycia nielegalnych środków czy AI. Podane przez Klienta moodboardy i referencje będą użyte jedynie jako inspiracja.Jeśli nie ustalono inaczej, końcowa praca będzie miała następujące parametry:
- (dla większości portretów) rozmiar pomiędzy 4299x3035 a 4000x4000 pikseli oraz 300 dpi, zależnie od typu zlecenia,
- eksport w kolorystyce RGB,
- mój podpis (w niektórych przypadkach dodatek "projekt [mój podpis]").Jeśli nie ustalono inaczej, fragmenty pracy, wycinki progresu oraz pełna ukończona praca (ze znakiem wodnym) mogą pojawić się na moich mediach społecznościowych.
Czas i przebieg pracy
Cały proces zlecenia odbywać się będzie za pośrednictwem lub drogą mailową (żnie od typu zlecenia, czas wykonania może wahać się od kilku dni, do kilku tygodni. Menu, cennik (w USD) oraz sugerowany czas wykonania znajdują się na rozpoczęciem pracy potrzebuję odpowiednie referencje, które mogą być w formie opisu, dobrej jakości grafik i/lub moodboardu.Po zaakceptowaniu zlecenia i opłaceniu go z góry (za pośrednictwem artistree, przelewu bankowego lub BLIK) lub uiszczeniu pierwszej płatności w przypadku płatności podzielonej, Klient otrzyma wstępne szkice do zaakceptowania, a następnie, w zależności od typu zlecenia, kolejne postępy pracy, które można zaapcektować lub poprosić o poprawki. Po zaakceptowaniu kolejnych kamieni milowych, drastyczne zmiany będą odrzucone lub będą wymagały dodatkowej zapłaty.Ukończona praca zostanie wysłana za pośrednictwem artistree lub drogą mailową. Będzie to projekt cyfrowy, jednak jest możliwość kupna fizycznej kopii ukończonej pracy w moim sklepie internetowym lub, po uprzednim zamówieniu, na konwencie (jeśli pojawię się na nim jako wystawca).
Communication will take place throughout the entire commission timeline with updates and bouncing ideas. I will ask for feedback when I have something to show or too many ideas from my side. I will let you know if anything will cause delays or priority shifts in the project. For safety I’d prefer to stay on artistree, but in some cases I could stream WIP on my discord server or other platforms.Clients agree to provide all required references, informations and assets in the beginning of commissioning process, before draft sketch. Otherwise it can affect the timeline and price. All materials sent by Client have to be in good quality and safe to use.Clients agree to remain respectful and agree that communication during the commissioning process will remain professional and not digress from business discussion for the, at least, majority of the project.
Prawa, wykorzystanie i uprawnienia
- Artist RightsI retain original copyright and ownership of the Artwork, which includes commission advertising, displaying the Artwork in my social media, websites and portfolios. I have rights to repurpose unused process work for future projects, personal or otherwise.Art process will likely be recorded and posted or streamed on my social media, discord, Twitch or YouTube. Client can request otherwise. A NDA or confidential commission status may be subject to extra fee.If not asked otherwise, commissioned artwork will be signed by me. In some cases, after designing a character or big part of commissioned work by myself, my signature will be expanded by “designed by [my signature]”.- Client RightsClients are granted exclusive rights for personal use of the Artwork produced as agreed upon, which must not be transferred to any other parties. Personal use prohibits distribution and sale.In case of me designing Client’s original character, design itself may be reference for future commissions of other artists, but cannot be used as brand in case of non-commercial commission.Clients may not at any time modify, edit or change the Artwork without permission from the Artist.Clients may not claim the Artwork as their own or anyone else’s and therefore must credit me as the Artist using my social media tag (all social media links below).- Commercial RightsUnless specified in the request or otherwise discussed and agreed upon, commercial licenses and reselling rights are not included.
Commercial means usage on streams, broadcast content, using it as promotion and advertisement of any kind, or any monetized work (including but not exclusive to merchandise, monetized videos, etc.) and reselling right means selling the Artwork to another party or another platform or on any platform.Any Artwork done or made available to the Client must not be used for AI (Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, AI/ML Training, NFT, blockchain or any for profit platforms or purposes). Such usage is completely prohibited and may result in legal action taken.Commercial licenses require additional charges depending on income of the company or unit and time of the Artwork’s usage.- Business ClientsFor businesses, agencies, organizations, managements and groups, please contact me to arrange in more detail.
Payment, Cancellation & Refunds
- PaymentIn case of commissions under $100, full upfront payment is required.For commissions over $100, Client has the choice of paying in full upfront or splitting the payment in two: first part upfront and second after accepting WIP. Unfortunately every payment splitting involves additional fee.Payment sent to me in another, previously not established way or before accepting the project by me, the Artist, will be recognized as a donation without the possibility of a refund. Also payments higher than those set by me at the beginning of the work, if not increased during the progress of the project and not officially agreed upon, will be considered a tip without the possibility of a refund. This is a safety precaution in case of scammers.When invoice or payment request is sent, Client agrees to pay within 48 hours unless circumstances are communicated otherwise in advance, or the project/waitlist
position may be canceled.Prices (in USD currency) in the commission menu relate to a wide range of drawing one character from easy design with full and clear references/mood board from the client to detailed design with my big influence on design. Base price might change depending on the amount of characters, details, additional items, limbs, background, quality of references and/or description from the Client and my input on design.By engaging on any project, once Artwork has started or transactions have been made through or any payment service provider, the Client acknowledges the product and deliverables are digital and there is no physically shipped goods to receive. Chargebacks are not permitted and the refund policy as mentioned will be followed.There’s a possibility to buy printed copies of finished commission in my online shop.- Cancelation & RefundIf Clients request cancellation before work starts, 10-25% of the payment may be forfeit. Once work begins, refunds are not possible unless initiated by the Artist.For any unforeseen reason I cannot complete the Artwork or commissioning process is significantly delayed, I will take initiative to inform you and provide a partial refund if Artwork done up to this point was accepted.